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Breastfeeding Tips for New Mom

21 Jun, 2023

Anticipate Your Baby’s Desires

By having a lookout for a few clear signals, you can anticipate your baby's needs rather than waiting for them to cry. If your baby is hungry, they may:

1 Turn or raise their head repeatedly

2 Open and close their mouth

3 Stick out their tongue

4 Suck on whatever is near

Feed your breast as soon as you notice the baby making these movements. Your baby will appreciate not having to compete for your attention, and you'll develop a level of intimacy that will improve your mother-child bond.

Anticipate Your Baby’s Desires

Take Care of Your Skin

Your breast skin is extremely delicate. Over time, feeding frequently can cause your skin to become dry, chapped, irritated, and even split. As a result, taking may be painful. Unfortunately, by adopting a few precautions, you can protect against chapped, cracked skin.

1 Avoid over washing. It's sufficient to take one or two showers every day with a gentle cleanser.

2 Use a gentle cloth to gently pat your breasts dry after feeding.

3 To prevent rashes from clothing, periodically allow your breasts to exhale.

4 Apply a beauty product, such as Organic Nursing Comfort Balm, after feeding.

Keep an eye on the signs that breastfeeding is working

If breastfeeding is successful or not, you'll be able to tell by your baby's behavior and overall well-being. If you don't always notice these indicators, don't worry. Even one is a sign that your baby is well-fed.

Your Baby’s Diapers Should Be Wet

In the first few weeks of life, it's likely that your baby may have four to eight it per day. Colostrum, also consumption is the main cause of this.

Your child will experience a gradual reduction in waste motions. They could reach a point where they only have one bowel movement per day or less. There's no need to worry about constipation as long as the poop is soft and the diapers are soaked in urine.

Your baby is gaining weight Regularly

You can certainly keep an eye on your child's weight if you want to. Outside their monthly weigh-ins at the pediatrician, it's typically not necessary.

Keep hydrated

Finally but not least, keep yourself hydrated. We cannot emphasize more how crucial this advice is for both you and your child. You are still consuming food and beverages for two, after all!

Keep hydrated

Every time you take care of it's a good idea to drink a glass of water because it refills the body. Yes, each and every time. This will guarantee that you're drinking enough water and that your body can produce enough milk.

Observe Your Eating Habits

Continuing from the last point, if you are breastfeeding, you must continue to be careful about your diet after the baby is delivered. Eat a lot of foods that are high in nutrients because you are aiding your baby's development.

500 more calories per day are required by mothers who are breastfeeding. Therefore, keep this figure in mind when preparing your meals and snacks.

A healthy diet should include these foods, among others:

Choline for eggs

Beans for iron

For vitamin B, eat leafy greens

Good for you fats from salmon and avocado

Weaning baby from breastfeeding gently

Breastfeeding is advised for the first six months, then you should keep it up for another six months while introducing solid meals.

Weaning baby from breastfeeding gently

You may naturally experience some mood changes when you begin to wean because your body's production of the "feel good" chemicals prolactin and oxytocin is being reduced. To make the transition easier, reduce the number of feedings to one per day at first.

Realize That Every Experience Is Unique

A new mother could assume that breastfeeding is universal when she thinks about it. That most definitely isn't the case, but that's okay! Even if you have previously breastfed well, there are so many factors that could influence how you go with this time.

How breastfeeding begins can be influenced by pregnancy, labor, and delivery. Additionally, healthcare could be difficult at first due to your baby's gender at birth. In addition, a baby who has jaundice could find it challenging to breastfeed. You can always ask a lactation expert for assistance, no matter what the root of your difficulties may be.